2014-04-21 2.5.20 Released to Beta
2014-04-21 - Make sure getChannelXXXbyOffset function return the channel attribute consistently.
2014-04-19 - Added Validation for to many bit Constant options.
2014-04-19 - Fix problem creating new project with local help references in the ini.
2014-04-12 2.5.19 Released to Beta
2014-04-12 - Recurse into OutputChannelse to insure monitoring of all Parameters for change.
2014-04-12 - Updated MS1 Extra 29y3 ini to support Custom Linear Wideband.
2014-04-07 2.5.18 Released to Beta
2014-04-07 - Baseline Curves Default to off when in Lite Mode.
2014-04-07 - Fix WUE Analyze saving afrOffset values. The lazy load made them unavailable.
2014-04-07 - Fix multiple Config Errors not updating from 1st message after that one is fixed.
2014-04-07 - Added "Very Easy" Mode to VE Analyze for use on Dynos.
2014-04-07 - When downloading help manuals, ensure target dir is created.
2014-04-03 - Fix Error loading new MSQ's with String types into projects with old ini's that do not have the String Constant defined.
2014-04-03 - Improved Hardware ID's for Linux so activation is better capable without connectivity.
2014-03-29 - Fix for Channel competing multi mapped constants updating one another within their limits.
2014-03-24 2.5.17 Released to beta
2014-03-24 - Help Topics on 3D tables.
2014-03-24 - Remapped close project hot key to ALT+X
2014-03-24 - Fixed hang on close if update check underway.
2014-03-24 - Commented out validation for unknown entry in Table section. Will add back in next beta cycle.
2014-03-18 2.5.16 Released to Beta
2014-03-18 - Added support for helpTobics on tables.
2014-03-18 2.5.15 Released to Beta
2014-03-18 - Added ini entry for help doc root..
2014-03-18 - Checks for and downloads help manual if not installed locally.
2014-03-18 - PDF Viewer supports jump to anchors
2014-03-14 - Altered enable mechanism to stop flashing enable/disable
2014-02-28 2.5.12 Released to Beta
2014-02-28 - Added kill command to Instance Monitor
2014-02-28 - Protect against null fonts on paint
2014-02-28 - Added PDF Viewer
2014-02-21 2.5.12 Released to Beta
2014-02-21 - Protect against null Font Family
2014-02-21 - Added $getWorkingDirPath() function
2014-02-19 2.5.11 Released to Beta
02/18/2014 - Altered Blocking of JSSC driver to avoid tripping Prolific read bug.
02/16/2014 - Fix re-enable bug on some conditions.
02/15/2014 - Force writes of table cells in edit mode on lost of focus.
2014-02-06 2.5.10 Released to Beta
2014-02-05 - Put Timeout monitor on internet calls.
2014-02-03 - Do not detect on JSCC when USB Wireless unavailable
2014-02-03 - Fixed Help index
2014-02-03 - Support for ini 3.22
2014-01-30 - Added String Function getWorkingDirPath()
2014-01-29 2.5.09 Released to Beta
2014-01-29 - Fix for WUE Analyze Stack Trace.
2014-01-29 - Updates JSSC Lib to 2.6 and activated JSSC Comms driver, added this to detect as it is more reliable for RS232 in many scenarios. This is not the default until broader testing has been performed.
2014-01-28 2.5.08 Released to Beta
2014-01-24 - Saves raw binary controller data when Save Tune As file name ends in .bin
2014-01-24 - String Functions supported in helpTopics.
2014-01-24 - String functions supported in inline. i.e. "file://$stringValue( aPathConstant)"
2014-01-22 - CurveCraph Autoscaling supports min scaling.
2014-01-22 - CurveCraph Autoscaling fix for small value scaling.
2014-01-06 2.5.07 Released to Beta
2014-01-06 - Fix Comms setting Test Button not working with new protocol, legacy RXTX and CAN_COMMAND active.
2014-01-06 - Fix Auto Logging not activating on the 2nd try when settings conflict
2014-01-06 - Won't got to Internet for ini file if it already got it previously.
2014-01-06 - Fix Low Critical red bar on Round Analog Gauge
2014-01-06 - Hide Run in Lite mode menu, this option was depricated.
2013-12-26 2.5.06 Released to Beta
2013-12-26 - Fix: Req Fuel Calculator shows behind dialog if Modal Dialogs is turned on.
2013-12-26 - Fix: Some menus showing enabled when they should not. Caused by 2.5.05 fix to "Show Diabled Menus"
2013-12-26 - Show disabled Condition in tooltip enabled for Lite! edition
2013-12-21 - updates to French Translations.
2013-12-17 2.5.05 Released to Stable
- Menus showing as enabled when they should not be if "Show Disabled Menus" is un-checked
2.5.04 Released to stable
2013-12-16 - Fixed error saving some dashboards.
2013-12-04 - Fixed increment and decrement of scalars when using scale as divisor
2.5.03 Release to beta.
2013-12-06 - Added WUE Analyze profile for MS1 B&G firmware.
2013-12-06 - Fix of curveGraph rendering wrong when multiple curves on single graph and auto scaling of X Axis is turned on.
2.5.02 Release to beta.
2013-12-03 - Ensure CommandButtons subscribe for OutputChannel Updates incase there is nothing else subscribed to all needed channels
2013-12-03 - Fix logging Trip and economy gauges if set to liters
2013-12-02 - Fix Slow dashboard save when Referenced Font unavailable.
2013-11-26 - Fix error setting correct x&y OutputChannels when loading a edited TS Custom AFR table.
2.5.01 Release to beta.
11/22/2013 - Fixed reset of channel selector on difference report when canIdSelector changed.
11/22/2013 - Fixed Exception when closing a project on unregistered edition
11/20/2013 - Added csv as File type on "View Log with MegaLogViewer"
Nov 18, 2013 released 2.5.00 to stable and beta
11/16/2013 - 2.4.16 (2.5 RC3)
- Correct error message during Difference Report from Channel selector and canDeviceSelector when used on remote CAN device dialog
- Insure Auto Update extracts all zipped files before launching updated TunerStudio
- Correct error messages when loading Registered only PcVariables into Lite! edition.
11/15/2013 - Summary of Changes for TunerStudio 2.5:
- Warmup Auto Tune
- GPS Support
- HP & Torque Gauges
- Distance & Economy Gauge
- Search for settings
- Context Help on Port Editor, Tables and curves
- Table Smoothing
- Table X & Y Re-Bin
- Table Smoothing
- Table Fill up and right
- Table highlight selected X & Y
- Dashboard Enhancement
- Dashboard Swiping
- Images saved to .dash file
- Fonts Saved to .dash File
- Designer mode Grid
- Designer Mode display of size and position
- Enhancements to gauge back ground and border rendering
- Project Archiving
- Display of Reference Table Calibration based on crc32
- XY plotting of generic High Speed loggers.
- High Speed Logger start & stop commands
- High Speed Loggers support chained commands.
- Removed 32 bit record limitation for HighSpeed loggers, no limit to record size now
- Data Log Profiles
- Quick Runtime Protocol
- Major Refactoring of for shared cross platform libraries.
- High Speed Runtime blocking
- MS3 SD Browser active in Lite edition
- Baud rate switching during SD read back
- Baud rate switching after interrogation
- Automatic Logging
- VE Analyze Improvements, dead O2 filter, default limits
- String fields supported for Constant and PcVariables
- Array types supported for PcVariable
- F32 Constant and OutputChannel support
- Channel Selector widget added
- Slider widget added
- Can Device Widget Added
- displayOnlyField widget added
- Hide Menu Expression
- Hide Field Expression
- Card Layout for dialogs and panels
- Port Editor sets new sign and float bits
- Port Editor Alias' for Port Names
- Optional validate array bounds
- Ini String functions added:
- stringValue([StringConstantName])
- bitStringValue([bitConstantName], [expression])
- String functions supported for Constant & OutputChannel Units
- String functions supported Gauge Title and Units
- Math parser access to array values using variableName[index]
- Additional Math Parser functions:
- Expressions allowed for Constant scale, translate, min, max, digits
- Expressions allowed for OutputChannel scale, translate
- DataLog entry lag factor - A field can be made to shift to an earlier record to compensate for calculation lag
- Inverted user to MS value calculation, switchable on the fly
- Standard calc: msValue = userValue / scale - translate
- Inverted: msValue = (scale - (translate*userValue)) / userValue;
- noMsqSave keyword added.
- UI Component caching for significant improvement in dialog open time with many widgets
- CurveGraph selection follow mode
- Option to display Enable Condition in menu tooltips
- Updated Lambda sensor list
- Reference Table Blocking
- New Protocol extension for 002 support. I, F, f
- PcVariables saved to standard msq
- Improved help documentation
- Start up landing pages displayed with user actions for opening projects
- Language Packs updated for 19 languages
- Language file format change for improved performance and size
- More complete Application translations
- New Communication Driver Framework with multi-platform plugable driver.
- FTDI D2XX USB Support
- WiFi TCP/IP Connectivity
- RXTX using new framework
- New Detect Engine, supports detecting any of the new pluggable drivers
- Com Port list limited to valid ports with no upper port number limit.
- CAN Device Menu Navigation segregated.
- Auto Update improvements
- Elevates permission to Admin on Win Vista, 7 & 8
- Notifies user when waiting for file locks to end
- Checks entire file was downloaded before upgrading.
- Added a Wrapping Menu Navigation Option
- Update Packaged Dashboard
- Update Packaged Projects
09/12/2012 - VeAnalyze zAxisTransform support
09/12/2012 - 2d Table Smoothing function
09/12/2012 - 2D table Fill Up & right
09/12/2012 - Dashboard Designer mode has grid for object placement
09/12/2012 - Images saved to .dash file
09/12/2012 - Dashboards support for image backgrounds on Indicators and Gauge.
08/21/2012 - Additional filter for bad records on FRD transformation
08/21/2012 - Decreased min och delay
08/21/2012 - Issue warning when reassigning ini name on load
08/18/2012 - read only mode ini loader, skips unneeded tuning components
08/16/2012 - Performance improvements to ini loader
08/15/2012 - Performance imporvements to Dashboard Loader
08/15/2012 - Sizable Refactoring of components
--- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- ---
Stable Track 2.0 below, New beta Track started.
11/05/2012 - 2.0.8 Released as Beta with auto update
11/05/2012 - Use MS3 values for Req Fuel Calculator
09/21/2012 - 2.0.7 Released as Beta without auto update
09/21/2012 - Fix for MS1 VE Analyze when using AEM WB
08/17/2012 - 2.0.6 Released as stable with auto update - 2.0.5d promoted to stable.
08/07/2012 - 2.0.5d Released as Beta with auto update
08/07/2012 - Insure invalid bit settings on controller are over written with TunerStudio Settings on send TunerStudio settings.
08/02/2012 - 2.0.5c Released as Beta with auto update
07/31/2012 - Performance improvements to the dashboard loader.
07/31/2012 - Use the Menu label value for settings dialog title if the dialog is defined with an empty string.
07/27/2012 - Added FRD 2.1 support for 8 byte long and double values.
07/27/2012 - Fix file naming for Multiple FRD file transforming.
07/26/2012 - 2.0.5b Released as Beta with auto update
07/26/2012 - Stop + and - from showing in the table Add and Subtract.
07/26/2012 - Return Focus to table after button pressed
07/26/2012 - Queue data log records for writing by thread other than comms thread, so slow disk access doesn't slow data rate.
07/23/2012 - Add support for VE Analyze to use egoVoltage as AFR calculation input when AFR table in volts.
07/23/2012 - Fix issue with not logging if a CAN device has Runtime Reads Disabled.
07/23/2012 - Escape endless error message from table X&Y Axis when values are out of bounds
07/10/2012 - 2.0.5 Released as Stable with auto update
07/06/2012 - FRD transformer Ok with record index being non-zero.
07/02/2012 - 2.0.4d Released as Beta with auto update
07/02/2012 - Fix detect on 9600 baud.
06/27/2012 - 2.0.4 Released as Stable with auto update
06/27/2012 - Fix for comm drops on higher latency serial connections with MS2Extra & and MS3 old protocol
06/27/2012- Fix for port lock on hard exception, for example if you unplug the USB cable from the computer and plug it back in.
06/27/2012 - Force bit field to a valid value if it is assigned to an invalid value on dialog opening.
06/14/2012 - Fixed Button verbiage on VE Analyze Authority Limits Buttons
06/13/2012 - Increased timeout during Detect, added display of port being queried
06/13/2012 - 2.0.1 Released as Stable with auto update
06/13/2012 - updated ini files in installer
06/13/2012 - removed user review field length limit
06/08/2012 - 2.0 Released as Stable
06/08/2012 - updated ini files in installer
06/08/2012 - updated language packs
06/08/2012 - ensure comms timeout delayed full timeout period.
05/29/2012 - 1.51 Released for beta / Release Candidate
05/29/2012 - Set Menu enable logic to use new math parser.
05/29/2012 - Reduced wait on full page read for new MS3 protocol.
05/29/2012 - Updated Language Packs.
05/25/2012 - 1.50 Released for beta
05/25/2012 - Work around for Prolific driver bug.
05/23/2012 - Altered timings in Comms Watchdog
05/23/2012 - Prevent harmless stack Table interpolate when no cells selected.
05/21/2012 - Subscribe CommandButton to any OutputChannels in the enableCondition
05/18/2012 - 1.49 Released for beta
05/18/2012 - Alt Tab from and too app works different with 1.7, so had to make a change for proper focus return with JRE 1.7
05/18/2012 - 1.48 Released for beta
05/18/2012 - hot key operation Improvements. CTRL+Tab now works to get out of tables, tables get focus on the z axis first, when switching back from another app, the dialog that had focus will have it again instead of main window.
05/18/2012 - Added a basic MS3 SD File download for Lite! Edition
05/17/2012 - Fixed Painting contention issue in VE Analyze that impacted slow or otherwise challenged computers.
05/12/2012 - 1.46 Released for beta
05/12/2012 - Fix Mini-Term sending each char twice.
05/10/2012 - Fixed an issue with Custom Dashes displaying in the preview on OS X
05/10/2012 - Horizontal Bar Gauges now honor Counter Clockwise (Reversed) movement..
05/09/2012 - 1.45 Released for beta
05/09/2012 - Auto Update Restart model changed, a dialog is displayed and monitors the file locks to help insure update completion.
05/09/2012 - Updated language packs again (took 28 hours)
05/08/2012 - Added Out of range messages for editing of X & Y axis of tables.
05/08/2012 - Fixed Mini-Term not working on second open port
05/08/2012 - A lot of multilingual work. I don't think there are many things left to translate other than dynamic built messages
05/07/2012 - Put in some recovery for FRD corruption to continue processing where corruption ends.
05/07/2012 - Detect now uses list box, it continues looking for more controllers after finding the 1st. Added resiliency to bad port scans.
05/03/2012 - 1.42 Released for beta
05/03/2012 - Added Java 1.6 detection to the installer.
05/03/2012 - Added support for Command Button, see more here
05/01/2012 - Fixed OS X Plugin hot swapping.
4/30/2012 - Added support for tsWriteBlock which forces a true writeBlocks with tsWriteBlock = on
04/30/2012 - Suppress display of ECU Configuration name from Output Port editor when not supported by the firmware.
04/24/2012 - 1.41 Released for beta
04/25/2012 - Applied Translations to Req Fuel dialog.
04/25/2012 - Changed prompt message when opening an msq while offline and auto save is on.
04/25/2012 - Fixed open by double click browse for ini file.
04/24/2012 - 1.40 Released for beta
04/24/2012 - Delay File Dialog initialization until after project load.
04/24/2012 - adjusted timings for local data refresh and restoring CRC checking after closing the Test Mode dialog
04/24/2012 - Added logic to clear msq load blockout if there are no writes or burns in queue
04/19/2012 - 1.39 Released for beta.
04/19/2012 - Altered single instance check to work properly on Linux
04/19/2012 - Fixed ini parsing error that broke [4:7+1] style notation used in MS1
04/18/2012 - 1.37 Released for beta
04/18/2012 - Found potential exception on change projects.
04/18/2012 - Altered Button text wrapping to work with vertical placement.
04/18/2012 - 1.36 failed validation due to button text wrapping
04/18/2012 - Plugin Spec version added to Plugin API with checking on plugin load.
04/18/2012 - Plugins update isMenuEnabled() instance.
04/18/2012 - Threading issue that could potentially cause "All Data Burned" notification to not be published.
04/17/2012 - Fixed issue with bit fields over 1 byte long.
04/17/2012 - Changed verbiage slightly in the Load msq dialog to avoid confusion with CurrentTune.msq
04/16/2012 - Added support for internet ECU Definition checking on double click msq.
04/16/2012 - Check for existing instance on startup. Bring forward or start second instance based on user selection.
04/15/2012 - Clear white spaces from trailing part of ini section names.
04/15/2012 - When manually selecting go online, data synchronization is always verified. This prevents going offline, altering the controller from another source, then going back online with out of sync local data.
04/06/2012 - Released 1.34 as beta
04/05/2012 - Fixed issue where application initialized lib before completing update.
04/05/2012 - Released 1.33 as beta
04/05/2012 - Adjustments to VE Table Generator.
04/05/2012 - Plugin support enabled and working for PERSISTENT_DIALOG type plugins.
04/03/2012 - Maintain Bad COM Port list. If ports have cause issues in the past they are disabled from future scans.
04/03/2012 - Suppressed divide by zero error when working with uninitialized data on project load.
04/03/2012 - Fix loss of select all in settings fields when tabbing through.
04/02/2012 - Eliminated the 2 ms wait between realtime reads when at maximum data rate. Brings MS2 Extra to ~56 reads/sec
03/27/2012 - MS3 RTC stops updating on a failed refresh.
03/27/2012 - Work around for button size on maximize and restore.
03/26/2012 - Released 1.31 as beta
03/26/2012 - Reset blockout Progress before showing, so it starts with indeterminate or 0 percent complete.
03/26/2012 - don't allow undo after changing number of squirts, it causes a bad race condition.
03/26/2012 - Added many Context help verbiage, thanks to Lance Gardner
03/26/2012 - Added forced paint on go off line.
03/24/2012 - put in a work around for the strange bug where File.mkdirs() is creating a File named ecuDef instead of a directory for a couple users now. Also code to turn the file to a dir if it happened.
03/24/2012 - Fix file copy to user ecuDef dir on signature mismatch / browse
03/21/2012 - Released 1.30 as beta
03/21/2012 - Update translation files.
03/21/2012 - Disabled update Translation function until I get working over SSL
03/21/2012 - Activated Check Internet for ECU Definition/ini files.
03/19/2012 - Modal blockout on interrogate and upload msq.
03/18/2012 - Added option for Curve Graphs revert to starting baseline values.
03/16/2012 - Added option for Curve Graphs display starting baseline curve.
03/16/2012 - Contextual Help Support added
03/16/2012 - Mask special characters from CAN Short Device Identifier
03/16/2012 - Removed Spinner from non editable fields such as Req Fuel
03/15/2012 - Fixed issue with Dialog Font Size selection menu
03/14/2012 - Added ini defined memory loggers to support James' MAP Logger and hopefully what ever other logger he comes up with.
03/12/2012 - Finished version 1 of AFR and VE Table Generators
03/12/2012 - Fixed Linux Threading issue on controller update.
03/12/2012 - Removed wasteful enable calls during evaluation of UI enable conditions.
03/07/2012 - Fixed failure to report scalar values out of range.
03/07/2012 - Fixed failure to report X & Y Table axis values out of range.
03/01/2012 - Added Go offline to ShutDownHook to prevent hanging on OS shutdowns
02/27/2012 - added instructions to GaugeCluster Failed to subscribe message. .
02/27/2012 - Added GSlender firmware signature for Ignition loggers.
02/27/2012 - If indicator expression is a single OutputChannel, that OutputChannel is assigned to the indicator Template instead of the one generated.
02/15/2012 - 1.22 TM EFI
02/14/2012 - Fixed bleed through of Color scheme button using 3D table on VE Analyze..
02/14/2012 - Fixed some painting issue that caused blinking on the Composite logger.
02/09/2012 - Fixed some funky behavior with the Notes log. It was growing line feeds to the point it would take a long time to start or exit a project.
02/09/2012 - Wrap Button Text if button too narrow on Main tuning Buttons.
02/03/2012 - Insure a Mark can not be the first record in a log..
02/01/2012 - Fix Total Size over flow on SD Card Dialog
01/28/2012 - Made MS3 RTC automatically increment based on PC time between RTC reads if period > 1000ms.
01/28/2012 - Added validations of [Menu] section of ini file.
01/27/2012 - 1.21 Released as beta.
01/27/2012 - MS3 SD Log Control Panel and File download working. Requires alpha-18 or higher firmware.
01/26/2012 - Main Window remembers it's position on multi monitor. If a monitor disappears, it goes to main screen.
01/26/2012 - Added Set MS3 Time panel.
01/26/2012 - Fixed #error ini file support.
01/16/2012 - Force index page to show in TunerStudio help.
01/16/2012 - Added Units to log Files. MLV has been supporting this for some time, now that 3.0 went to stable and auto update, might as well start using it.
01/04/2012 - 1.20 Released as beta.
01/03/2012 - Allow Renaming of Files in File Dialogs
01/03/2012 - Completed highlighting of text fields on CurveGraphs
01/03/2012 - Fixed support for more than 1 SettingGroup from ini where if one was set to default, it would set the others to Default...
01/03/2012 - Added Aggressive Driver Reinitialization Comms Driver. This re initializes RXTX on every try..
01/03/2012 - Suppress disabled panels from Difference reports, as it used to be.
12/17/2011 - Made the verbiage in many places use MegaSquirt instead of Controller if it is the MS edition.
12/07/2011 - Remove unused rows sometimes generated in the Realtime display.
12/07/2011 - Added additional MS3 Protocol Error codes.
12/06/2011 - Forced Repaint on secondary dash message change.
12/05/2011 - Got rid of the growing number of menu separators after each project reload.
12/06/2011 - 1.19 Released as beta.
12/05/2011 - Updated MS3 Dashboard mapAccel and tpsAccel Indicators for current firmwares.
12/05/2011 - Fixed problem converting temperatures to C on MS1 Extra/HiRes
12/05/2011 - Support for adding a Gauge to any Panel in ini file..
12/05/2011 - Configuration Error Messages renamed to Settings Errors.
12/05/2011 - Configuration Error Message cleared on even a fast power cycle.
12/05/2011 - Config Error and Power Cycle Required made to secondary messages that will not be displayed until higher priority messages are cleared.
12/05/2011 - Lowered Resource usage in config Error monitor.
12/05/2011 - Fixed WaitBars to continue until all writes are complete
12/05/2011 - Fixed Potential Threading issue on Linux during interrogation that could lead to an incomplete interrogation
12/05/2011 - Filter non ascii characters from making it into the tunerStudioAppDebug.txt file
12/02/2011 - Added setting in the TunerStudio.properties File for comm debug cache size, set default to 0.
12/02/2011 - Optimizations to comms logging, significant performance gain on Linux.
12/02/2011 - Disable table Tail painting when adjustment dialog is open to make sure it paints on slow Linux computers.
12/02/2011 - Made better about returning focus to the to the table after using +, -, * hot keys on slow Linux computers.
12/02/2011 - Linux clean up of Lock Files when suffering an ugly connection break like pulling the USB cable out of the computer..
12/02/2011 - Fixed adding of line feeds to notes editor on Linux and OS X
12/01/2011 - Fixed setting the min of a CurveGraph X axis in the ini file.
12/01/2011 - Made Curve Graph Preferred/Minimum size logarithmic to array sizes instead of linear.
12/01/2011 - Added LiveGraph ini file Autoscale support .
11/30/2011 - Removed the go online while creating a new project.
11/30/2011 - Clean up of Comm Settings test, tests without going online. Only goes online and saves settings when you accept.
11/30/2011 - Cleanup of DataSync Thread on project close.
11/30/2011 - Double Buffer Dashboard Blockout message. This was slow on some Linux Machines.
11/30/2011 - Support for gauge reverse rotation on the default dash. If min > max, gauge will rotate counter clock.
11/29/2011 - Changed OutputChannel evaluation to completely resolve formulas when offline and mosty use the new Math Parser.
11/28/2011 - Enabled PcVariable support on Gauges, CurveGraphs and OutputChannels
11/22/2011 - Cleanup of watchdog and painting threads on project reloads.
11/21/2011 - new automated testing dialog to load alternate msqs.
11/19/2011 - Improvements to comms for improved performance with new MS3 protocol.
11/17/2011 - Adjusted Comm Watch dog reset timings.
11/13/2011 - FRD 2.0 transformation support.
11/10/2011 - 1.17 Released as beta.
11/08/2011 - Several improvements to handling of BT adapter power cycling..
11/06/2011 - Fixed recovery from power cycle of BT adapter with new MS3 serial protocol. This caused the Watch dog to hang and gauges to never display offline.
11/01/2011 - Adjusted timings of device scan for the slower response of BT adapters.
11/01/2011 - Made gauges go to 0 properly when float down is turned off.
11/01/2011 - No flashing indicators when float down is turned off.
10/30/2011 - Renamed TunerStudioLogFile.txt to TunerStudioAppDebug.txt
10/30/2011 - Switched all OutputChannel calculations to new Math Parser. This means lower CPU usage and much faster SD & FRD log file conversions, also respect for order of operation.
10/12/2011 - Made full screen dash hide toolbar on OS X and Linux
09/26/2011 - Made Gauge Menu Items Apply translations.
09/26/2011 - Made Checkbox Menu Items Apply translations.
09/26/2011 - Changed "Options" Menu hot key to Alt-P
09/20/2011 - 1.16.1 Released as beta.
09/20/2011 - Corrected issue with retry after MS3 new Protocol message failure.
09/19/2011 - Added Save and load tune settings for each dialog.
09/19/2011 - Restore point save was getting skipped if newest restore point file was empty.
09/19/2011 - Proper cleanup of listener after error for "Sending to Controller" message
09/19/2011 - Fix Signature null error on double click MSII base code ini file
09/15/2011 - Remember 3D check on 2D table dialogs.
09/13/2011 - Added Current set values and reset to default menus to curve graph right click menu..
09/07/2011 - Adjusted timings for port reinitialization with disrupted communications.
09/06/2011 - 1.15 Released as beta.
09/06/2011 - Added Comm Driver selection to Communication Settings Dialog.
09/06/2011 - Added Alternate RS232 Driver with old style TS managed blocking.
09/06/2011 - Added Sleep Detection for win32 - Not yet active.
09/08/2011 - 1.14.1 Released .
09/08/2011 - Disabled Range checks on arrays, caused concern to too many people.
09/08/2011 - Fix Output Port Editor incorrect Scaling on close.
09/08/2011 - Fixed Detect.
09/01/2011 - 1.14 Released.
09/01/2011 - Added Warning Explanation link to msq Audit Review..
09/01/2011 - Added Gauge needle smoothing preference in designer mode..
09/01/2011 - Gauge needle not going completely to 0.
08/30/2011 - Notes Tab not enabled if Project not open.
08/29/2011 - Replace line feeds with #lt;br#gt;on Tune Log Notes tab.
08/20/2011 - Default from ini used for CAN Device ID on initial Project setup.
08/19/2011 - Added Datalog Marks for Go online and Go offline..
08/18/2011 - Proper initial assignment of CAN Controller to gauges on CAN Device clusters.
08/17/2011 - 1.13 Released as stable - available via auto update.
08/17/2011 - Fixed endless loop of Value Out of Bounds on Curve Graphs in Linux.
08/17/2011 - Stopped the Project Open Dialog from doing the instant select when you click on a project.
08/17/2011 - Changed Dashboard loader to remove special characters from assigned OutputChannel to not contain special characters so they match the values as now loaded by the ini loader.
08/17/2011 - Changed OutputChannel Naming for Indicators to make sure no special characters are part of the name.
08/17/2011 - Difference Report reports raw constant names when no [UserDefined] dialog is defined with the setting.
08/16/2011 - Added Force Protocol to the CAN Devices Page. This allows you to talk to a MS2 through an MS3 new serial device or vice verse. Over rides the default protocol for the remote device.
08/16/2011 - Improved OutputChannel ini loader validation. There was a hole allowing bad channels to be loaded in an invalid state.
08/16/2011 - Fixed assignment of ecu config name to CAN devices on Realtime Display.
08/15/2011 - Fixed an error loading MShift ini file.
08/15/2011 - Added catch All Protocol error screening for any MS3 protocol with type bit 0x80 set..
08/15/2011 - Added support to force protocol of main device allowing CAN Pass through to controller with different protocol
08/13/2011 - 1.11 Released as Beta / Release Candidate
08/13/2011 - Fixed Error impacting MS1 Extra, making data appear scrambled.
08/12/2011 - 1.10 Released as Beta / Release Candidate
08/12/2011 - Prevent min TPS ADC from being less than max ADC for MS3 firmwares through 220.
08/12/2011 - Added user file selection to reference table generators.
08/11/2011 - Added read only display support for bits and scalar constants.
08/10/2011 - Made tables use less width if decimal places are not required.
08/05/2011 - Proper Default help page selection with beta edition.
08/02/2011 - 1.080 Released as Beta
08/02/2011 - Fixed problem with Ignition Logger causing TS to off line.
07/30/2011 - Improved find MLV logic and prompt if not found.
07/29/2011 - Found and fixed ini warnings getting reported even when not turned on.
07/29/2011 - Check New Cluster name to make sure it does not contain invalid file system characters.
07/29/2011 - 1.079 Released as Beta
07/29/2011 - Added support for custom.ini files of CAN devices. Use format [DeviceName]_custom.ini
07/29/2011 - Make lighting of the small comm indicators specific to the device it represents.
07/29/2011 - Disable loading of CAN device Dash if Runtime Data is disabled.
07/29/2011 - When RuntimeData is disabled, Filtering of CAN devices from DataLogs, Gauge Menus and default Dashboards.
07/28/2011 - Cleanup of Parameter Change Subscribers on project close.
07/28/2011 - Added CAN ID setting for the Main Controller to CAN Devices Page of Project Properties.
07/26/2011 - Fixed problem with checking restore points against other device restore points in a multi-device project.
07/26/2011 - Added Device Name / CAN ID to the Port Editor if there is a outputCanId defined. The default is psCanId
07/25/2011 - filter noUpdateLocal bytes from the Updated Byte count during an msq load.
07/25/2011 - Fixed a possibility of not clearing a "Power Cycle Required" from the dashboard if the user moved to a different tab.
07/25/2011 - Fixed a possibility of not clearing a Config Error from the dashboard if the user moved to a different tab.
07/25/2011 - Added User Message to Main Gauge Cluster while sending an MSQ.
07/25/2011 - Fixed loading of multiple config on msq double click.
07/25/2011 - Fixed subscribe error for DataLogging Indicator on msq double Click
07/25/2011 - Fixed applying of default settings during msq double click of legacy msq.
07/25/2011 - Removed duplicate phrase from config error message.
07/25/2011 - added FAST WB to MS1 Extra EGO Sensor List.
07/22/2011 - 1.078 Released as Beta
07/22/2011 - Updated About Box Logo
07/22/2011 - Made Project Open dialog display the project name in the text field and the Open Button works.
07/22/2011 - Made Beta Post to server with a beta edition so Auto Updates can be provided separately.
07/22/2011 - corrected endless error dialog loop when opening a CurveGraph with no msq loaded.
07/22/2011 - Tweak for comms error on MS3 old serial
07/22/2011 - Fixed multiple instances of same project in Recent Projects List
07/22/2011 - Fixed display issue with special Characters on labels
07/22/2011 - improved Mini-Term read performance
07/21/2011 - 1.076 Released as Beta
Made Firmware Info Command use non CAN for new serial protocol
Fixed Power Cycle Required falsely reported on accepting controller settings if CurrentTune disabled.
07/21/2011 - 1.075 Released as Beta
Course Grained Change catchup:
- New Config Error Handling
- Fixed PowerCycle required
- Added Recent Project Menu
- Protocol Stats Dialog
- New MS3 protocol implements
- Filter bit OutputChannels from Output Port Settings Dialog.
- PC side Variable / Constants
- Allow Expression for constant min, max, translate, scale
- PowerCycleRequired monitor
- Refactored Comms package, separating RS232 from messaging
- Updated ms3 VE Analyze Maps
- Service Call store and forward framework for service calls that do not require realtime response such as a translation update.
- Corrected Vertical centering of text on Rectangle indicators
- Incorporated MLV Ignition Log Viewer improvements.
- Smoothing of graphic gauges, numeric readouts remain real-time.
- Fixed auto-scaling problem with Curve Graph
- Range Validation of msq settings, Array values commonly in error.
06/22/2011 - Multiple line CurveGraph support added.
06/22/2011 - Application Event publishing support added
06/22/2011 - DataLogging Active Application Event added
05/11/2011 - Made the minimum increment work based on the greater of the display min precision or the constant mi
05/02/2011 - Moved Work offline button to middle in diff reports.
05/02/2011 - Fixed unc file name saving for last project.
05/02/2011 - Fixed Difference Report Send to Controller not working on 1st try.
05/02/2011 - Set 2D button sizes based on table size.
05/02/2011 - Refactored MLV Ignition Logger improvements into TS
04/21/2011 - changed OutputChannel logic in Real-time display to keep use afr if not narrowband.
04/19/2011 - 1.03 Released as Beta
04/17/2011 - Added digits to msq constants so MLV will have them
04/15/2011 - Added User Preferences to show or hide the Graphs and Gauges in VE Analyze
04/12/2011 - convert AFR to Lambda and Lambda to AFR on msq load.
04/06/2011 - Tuners Log Tab for maintaining notes and logs.
04/06/2011 - Completed Restore Point Dialog.
04/06/2011 - Put in Restore Point Events On MSQ load, On Diff Report Accept Controller Data, On Close.
04/06/2011 - Option to skip restore Point save when there are no settings changes
04/06/2011 - user Adjustable Setting to manage maximum space used by Restore points, defaults to 5 MB.
04/05/2011 - Changed difference Report Operation on Send to Controller. It now saves a restore point, accepts the controller data, then loads the restore point. This ensures data integrity for bit options that may have changed or shared.
04/05/2011 - Validate Array values for min and max and specific values on MSQ load. On error, report and set to nearest valid value.
04/04/2011 - Added Diff report options, changed verbiage and button selections to be more clear.
04/03/2011 - Save automatic restore point msq's on key events such as selecting a diff report option.||
03/31/2011 - Changed Predefined Indicator menu label to On Text - Off Text
03/26/2011 - Fixed multiple paste of gauges when using CTRL+P in Dashboard Designer Mode
03/31/2011 - Changed Predefined Indicator menu label to On Text - Off Text
03/25/2011 - Force closing of log file when changing Ignition Logger types.
03/25/2011 - Made empty string labels take a full row or space.
03/20/2011 - 1.01 Released as Beta w/ Multi-Lingual support
03/20/2011 - Loads of multi-language support put in with initial translations done by translation service. This currently includes Static text and ini text translations, no help files of dynamically generated text translations. So error messages are still primarily in English.
Stable Release
1.007 - updating ini files in installer, no other changes.
1.006 - Change to handling of Setting selection for MS2Extra 3.2.1, updated ini files in installer.
06/02/2011 - 1.004 Released as Stable
06/02/2011 - Fixed a scenario that could leave TunerStudio miss representing controller settings if the controller was powercycled.
05/27/2011 - Fixed an error message for new MS3 projects that could happen on 1st load.
04/17/2011 - 1.002a Released as Stable
04/17/2011 - Added maffactor.inc to installer.
04/10/2011 - 1.002 Released as Stable
04/10/2011 - Fixed a problem loading VE Analyze on MS1 cars using a inc file based lambda sensor.
03/20/2011 - 1.001 Released as Stable
03/29/2011 - Fixed loading of project inc before the application inc file.
03/26/2011 - Fixed multiple paste of gauges when using CTRL+P in Dashboard Designer Mode
03/20/2011 - 1.0 Released as Stable!!!
03/19/2011 - included HiRes 11d in the installer
03/19/2011 - changed order to show online status before bringing up ini warning errors.
03/17/2011 - Updated help files. VE Analyze usage.
03/16/2011 - Fixed an error in ini validation for open strings. if a ; was inside the string it considered it commented out.
03/12/2011 - 0.999.9m Released as Beta
03/11/2011 - More ini loader validations. Open ended Strings, layout constraints, references.
03/11/2011 - major revamp of ini loader validations. Carries line number, validates all formulas and layouts.
03/08/2011 - Added CTRL+c & CTRL+V support in Dashboard Designer mode.
03/08/2011 - Remapped View with MegaLogViewer to ALT+v.
03/08/2011 - Hid Developer tools from menu unless activated in the TunerStudio.properties file.
03/08/2011 - Changed TPS Calibration dialog to have accept / Cancel buttons
03/04/2011 - 0.999.9k Released as Stable release
03/04/2011 - Updated all Example projects to be the current released version of all firmware families.
03/04/2011 - Switch 3D table active value to below when the selected value is in the neighborhood.
03/04/2011 - Bundled example projects that come in the install as archives that are extracted. To keep people from working out of Program Files dir.
03/04/2011 - Added Firmware Version to Trigger Log File Header
03/03/2011 - Added Clear, Home and end button to Ignition Log Viewer
03/03/2011 - Zoom to Mouse Position using scroll wheel.
03/03/2011 - Zoom remains constant on incomplete page reads.
03/03/2011 - More Trigger Log Viewer fixes. Display, Load Exception Handling, performance Improvements
03/01/2011 - Build fix to correct detect on Linux
02/27/2011 - Fixed several Composite logger rendering issues.
02/26/2011 - Changed error message when processing ms3 SD files, removed blank dialog box
02/26/2011 - Fixed setting timestamp for MS3 log files that do have it set in the header.
02/25/2011 - Increased max temp on warmup wizard
02/25/2011 - altered Comms throttling to not shorten time when it is achieving the desired data rate.
02/21/2011 - Made Accel Wizard so it can be nested on a complex dialog
02/18/2011 - Fix app closing when entering a registration key.
02/18/2011 - Fix auto update check with Lite! edition.
02/15/2011 - Separate 3D table sizing from 2D tables when they have the same name.
02/06/2011 - Suppress No Updates Available Message after instructions for Auto upadate on Windows 7
02/03/2011 - Fix issue opening msq by double click when TS does not have the ini and does not have write access to the install dir.
02/01/2011 - 0.999.9h Released as Stable release
01/31/2011 - Fix to report Configuration error reporting.
01/31/2011 - Lots more TriggerWheel work. Structured for MS2e & MS3 trigger wheels. Still needs some more work
01/24/2011 - Added preference to turn off monitoring of change to CurrentTune.msq by external applications
01/24/2011 - Enabled Ignition Logger for new MS Extra 2.1e signature pattern
01/14/2011 - Disabled Indicators going briefly on when going online.
01/14/2011 - Fixed max cell change in VE Analyze stats to display decimal places.
01/10/2011 - Fix open msq by double clicking. Problem with disabled comms causing project to not open.
01/09/2011 - Fixed VE Analyze initialization when the first VE table is disabled.
01/05/2011 - Fixed VE Analyze Divider position anomalies.
01/04/2011 - Improved error handling and messages during auto update when there is not write access.
01/04/2011 - updated corrupt icons on the Trigger Logger toolbar
- Hits: 62317